Your diet is likely the single largest factor that determines your health, and the health of the ones you love.
Research from the most credible universities now proves that a nutritious diet is the most important step towards being healthy - for you, your children, and the people you care about. Proper nutrition can even override the effects of family genetic predispositions such as cancer, heart disease, Parkinson's, and diabetes.
As you may know, most of the food currently available to our community (through grocery stores, etc) is laden with harmful chemicals such as pesticides. This food lacks proper nutrition and because it's usually grown so far away, it's already in decay by the time we receive it.
Rather than nourishing us, our food is causing cancer, reproductive issues, autism, and numerous other diseases.
North Florida Farms grows the fresh, healthy produce varieties all year long that everyone wants, including the kids: heirloom tomatoes, bell peppers, gourmet green beans, eggplant, squash, melons, mixed greens, and more. And because we are a local farm, when food prices rise due to rising fuel cost, agricultural disasters in other countries, etc. - you won’t see a drastic increase in our prices.
Not just another organic farm...
Our farm is about 20 minutes east of Tallahassee, off of Highway 27 (Apalachee Parkway).
Our mission is to provide the freshest, healthiest, most affordable, locally grown organic produce to the surrounding community.
We are NOT just another local community garden or organic farm - our project was designed to exist as a full force, food-production system capable of generating massive food outputs, using little resources, operating 365 days a year, and with minimal operational cost.
North Florida Farms is not only committed to providing safe, affordable fresh food to consumers and restaurants, our project was designed from the start as a powerful solution to alleviate poverty and hunger.
The first stage of our project will provide over 80 full time jobs with livable wages, and over 55,000 pounds of fresh food to local food banks per year.
Our long-term goal is to impact agricultural practices on a global level, through increasing awareness and educational programs.

When done properly, an agriculture project can support itself through food sales, while also providing aid to those suffering in the community.
Our vision is to have an organic high-yield agriculture system outside of every population center in the US - a system that supports itself through food sales, provides jobs, and gives food to the hungy. North Florida Farms serves as a model to the global communities such as Congo, Haiti, Uganda, and the struggling Eastern European Countries.
Our project is a family run operation, founded by Dale Sellers. Years ago, Dale worked as a crisis counselor serving individuals and families in disadvantaged neighborhoods. After what he saw first-hand, Dale was inspired to provide a solution to the malnutrition, poverty, and hunger so prevalent in these communities.
Over 25 years ago, after realizing the lack of locally grown, chemical-free food available, we set out to create a workable solution - a system that supports itself through food sales, provides massive employment opportunities, and gives food to the impoverished people in the community.
North Florida Farms is our answer to the need for sustainable healthy food, jobs, and economic development, on a community and global level.
What makes our project unique is the design of our sustainable agricultural system.

For over 25 years, we've tested hundreds of different organic fertilizers and soil amendments. Notice the sharp contrast on the left row (compared to the right row). These were 200 pepper plant rows to make sure we achieved an adequate test in this trial run.
Our farming practices are very different from systems used by the average farmer, even those growing organic produce or using hydroponics.
For years, we have gathered information and technical assistance from scientists and researchers around the world including Engineers, Biologists, and Soil Scientists. We have also conducted extensive research at our own Agricultural Research Centers in various locations.
Although there are pieces of related research scattered throughout the global community, we have not found one university, governmental organization, or private company which has engineered a system that achieves the results we are accomplishing - the produce yields, the nutrient value of our food, the sustainability of the system, or the cost efficiency.
Our farming method is a hybrid soil-based hydroponic system. In simple terms, we use liquid-based fertilizers and organic amendments to build the nutrition of the soil and the plant. This farming practice has many distinct benefits:
Through specially designed eco-shelters, we are able to grow the produce varieties everyone wants throughout the year, regardless of the season or weather conditions
Using only half the water and fertilizer, our system generates the equivalent of up to fifteen acres of produce from one acre
Organic produce has been shown to be more nutritious than non-organic. Our soil has proper nutrients and minerals, meaning highly nutritious vegetables for the consumer
Through testing more than twenty species of microorganisms, we are able to improve root growth and increase water and fertilizer holding capacity
We use advanced plant nutrition and microorganisms to improve the plant’s digestion and immune system, reducing pesticide use and plant disease
We have an organic biological growing system that helps plants to outperform their genetically modified counterparts
We drought-proof plants and increase their resistance to extreme weather conditions
Through testing a wide range of organic fertilizers, we have determined which products out of the hundreds sold are actually effective
We repair damaged soil, replace minerals, and create a fertile layer of topsoil

The end result - fresh, locally grown produce available to you and the local community, every week of the year. Our higher yields and sustainable farming practices allow us to keep our produce varieties affordable to the community and also allow us to provide food to disadvantaged people in need.
According to the Federal government, there are an estimated 50 million people, including one out of every four children, who are not eating enough food because they simply can’t afford to buy it.
Because of the efficiency of our agricultural system, we have an extremely low financial overhead. As our project grows, the profits we receive from produce purchases will allow us operate our farm, continue our research and donate up to 40 percent of our crop yields to feed the hungry, disadvantaged people in the community.
Along with providing healthy and delicious produce, we are conducting ongoing research to further develop our sustainable agricultural system. Sustainable agriculture technology is a critical key to solving the current environmental, health and economic problems occurring on a global level.
Agriculture Creates Civilization
According to the consensus of top exerts, global agriculture, including the standard farming practices of the United States, is not operating in a sustainable way.
Whether it's the lack of adaptability to climate change, the destructive effects that synthetic fertilizers have on our topsoil, or the incredible distance most food travels before it arrives on the dinner table, our food supply is at risk - this is a national/global security issue.
"Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens."
- Thomas Jefferson
Through our research, we have created an agricultural system which can be successfully transferred to any geographical region or climate in the world. This is the heart of our work.
The long-term goal of North Florida Farms is to establish a network of Agricultural Research Centers worldwide. These centers will provide sustainable food supply and also serve to instruct other farmers who desire to transition to organic, sustainable based agriculture.
North Florida Farms will continue to develop technology and make it available to farmers, extension agents, planners, and policy makers, regarding both small and large-scale farm systems.
North Florida Farms has several primary objectives:
Produce safer and more nutritious food in a sustainable way
Reconnect farmers and local communities around the basic issues of food
Repair and reverse current environmental damage
Create green and economically sound solutions to global poverty
Restore farming to a secure and satisfying profession
Provide continuing agricultural and environmental education to humankind through interactive work with the community
The consumer and the community enjoy the benefits of knowing the farmer and the source of their food. They will receive fresher food, cleaner food, and reduce their overall environmental impact. The farmer enjoys higher profits, direct relationships with consumers, and healthier topsoil.
Explore our site to learn more about what we do, how you can receive locally grown, organic produce, and what you can do to make a difference.