Our staff has over 25 years of experience in organic farming, sustainable agriculture, and farm management - all of the qualifications needed to provide fresh, locally grown organic produce to the Tallahassee community and to initiate our greater goals of poverty and hunger alleviation.
While there are other local farms in the area and we commend their efforts, our project is distinctly unique. We create a controlled environment that allows circular relationships between beneficial insects, microorganisms, our plants, and all of the other elements needed to create the best conditions for year-long organic food production.
Our project is also designed to withstand the temperature extremes, limited natural resources such as water and fertile soil, and the other increasing effects of climate change and global economic insecurity.
We have made considerable progress and are much closer to providing you with healthy food and doing our part to alleviate hunger and poverty. At the same time, our project here is new and we are at the beginning stages of development.
Your support will help us move faster towards achieving this goal, conducting our vital on-going research into developing a sustainable agriculture system with global impact (learn more about us).
In case you are wondering, North Florida Farms has three primary goals:
To first provide affordable, fresh, locally grown, organic produce to the Tallahassee and surrounding areas, every week of the year regardless of the growing season or the effects of climate change. Our produce usually costs the same or less as store bought conventional produce (which is not organic, not fresh).
As we focus on the local community, we will also establish regional-based agriculture centers near other communities (regional, national, and globally) to provide access to a fresh, sustainable food supply. Through this process, we will assist other farmers to transition over to safer, more sustainable agricultural methods of food production.
To provide up to 40 percent of our produce yields to the growing population of disadvantaged, hungry people in the community who cannot afford to buy food. Currently, due to the economic recession and overwhelming unemployment rate, 1 out 4 people in this community (mainly children) go to bed hungry every night.
Our current goal is to provide 55,000 pounds of fresh food within our first year of production, with this amount increasing yearly. We will do this through our Self-Sufficient Food Bank, community centers, and churches. We consider this a long-term solution to the local hunger issue, rather than the current "band-aids" which are unreliable and inconsistent.To create over 400 full time jobs with livable wages and benefits for the North Florida Area. Because our agricultural system is so space intensive, we employ an average of 20 people per acre. We will provide on-site training, management development, and stimulation to the local economy.
Agriculture is the root of civilization – it is required for civilization to exist. Our project will create job security which will not waiver as the economy or societal trends change. As this project grows, it will serve as a model for hunger and poverty alleviation to the global community.
By becoming a supporter of North Florida Farms today, you will:
ASSIST CONSUMERS (such as yourself and your family) in obtaining fresh, healthy, and safe food all year long, regardless the normal growing season
FEED THE HUNGRY, more specifically, the growing disadvantaged and hungry population in the North Florida community who cannot afford to by their own food.
PROVIDE EDUCATION AND ASSISTANCE to other farmers that want to transfer to organic farming methods
PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT from harmful chemicals, reduce the carbon footprint associated with food transportation, create more land for conservation reclamation by reducing the size required for growing food, and save our precious water resources by using less water for agricultural production
HELP FARMERS to earn more money by selling directly to consumers, thus in turn, passing the savings onto you
FEEL GREAT knowing you have made a real difference in the quality of life for farmers, yourself, the community, and many others around the world.

Become a Farm Supporter Today - Make North Florida Farms 'Your Farm'
Would you like to have access to the freshest, locally grown, organic produce all year long? Are you supportive of our goals to feed the growing population of disadvantaged, hungry people in the Tallahassee area? Do you want to see sustainable agricultural expand on community, national and global levels?
While we are investing a great deal of our own finances and agricultural expertise into the Tallahassee and surrounded communities, our project still needs the help of people in the community - people just like you.
Join us today at being a force for healthy food and prosperity in the Tallahassee community:
Volunteer With Us
Come connect with nature and food, help those in the community, and learn hands-on about organic farming/gardening:
Donate To The Farm
In the near future, the farm will be able to support itself financially, but it's not there yet. Help us to cover the expenses of supplies, equipment, packaging, and distribution costs:
Come connect with nature and food, help those in the community, and learn hands-on about organic farming/gardening:
In the near future, the farm will be able to support itself financially, but it's not there yet. Help us to cover the expenses of supplies, equipment, packaging, and distribution costs: